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Moving to LA from home hasn’t been the easiest thing for me. Right when I turned 18 I traveled the…

Moving to LA from home hasn’t been the easiest thing for me. Right when I turned 18 I traveled the world for a year and a half with little to no money and lived out of a suitcase. I’ve had an apartment here for almost six months now. It’s so amazing to have my own bed in my own space that’s mine that feels like home, but a part of me also loves the freedom of not owning anything that ties me down to one place. I probably have a freak out at least once a month saying that I want to start traveling again and have zero adult responsibilities. But I’ve come to learn that finding a balance between the two is what’s most important. Doing a trip a month or two trips a month and coming home and getting things done that I need and seeing my friends and family instead of being gone all the time. And realizing that there’s beauty all around you no matter where you’re at you can make the best of it. I find value in trying new things, but also find value in repetition and familiarity. I’m able to stay much more connected with people when I don’t travel, have deeper relationships, and become better at things like music and painting by dedicating my time to holding still and focusing. The lessons you learn while traveling are priceless, but it is very difficult to get anything done. At least I’m living by the ocean and that’s what keeps me calm, because the ocean connects all of us. 💙

? Follow Charly Jordan on Instagram.