Top fashion influencers in the world



This heat wave in NYC has me thinking back to Cartagena! I went for the second time last spring and would love to go back. You can check out the above post here and my quick guide here.

Question: Are you from a creative family? Do you parents work in fashion or the arts?

Answer: While I do think my parents are very creative, they don’t have a background in fashion and didn’t have careers in a creative space. My mom was an occupational therapist and my dad was an oceanic engineer. While they didn’t specifically push me into the career path I have now, they did instill in me the importance of a strong work ethic and the idea that you can achieve your goals by believing in yourself. From an early age they made it clear to my brothers and me that if we worked hard (and stayed out of trouble) they would support us in whatever direction we wanted to go in education and career. Spoiler alert: we all took very different paths to very different places!


Summer is all about strappy. Strappy heels may quickly become my new staple for the season! These wider kitten heel options are available in both a light brown and a dark brown.

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

The post NO. 143 // STRAPPED FOR SUMMER appeared first on Atlantic-Pacific.